Wow...9 weeks left! This pregnancy has gone SO fast! I know a lot of women say that the third trimester drags, but for me, it has been flying! It doesn't help that almost every store I go in already has Christmas things for sale!!
Last weeks doctors appointment went very well! Our little girl is weighing in at 4lbs!! Her weight and her measurements are all ahead of schedule (by almost 2 weeks) so we're all wondering if she might come early. The ultrasound showed that she has a decent amount of hair already and it will only keep growing at this point. I'm so excited! I think that it's so cute when a baby has hair! :) Here is an ultrasound picture for you to see:

You can see her face (with her cute little nose) and it looks like she's about the eat her fist! :)
I still haven't gotten very big, but you can definitely tell that I'm pregnant (finally)! Here I am at 30 weeks:

I can't wait for our little girl to get here!! :) I have another appointment next week (32 weeks), so I will post after that. I will leave you with this picture of Lucy and I. She wanted her picture taken too!!