Wow...this pregnancy (and summer) have been going so fast! It seems like we were just finding out about our Christmas present! :) And now, it's time to go back to school again.
Since the last time we posted we had our 18 week anatomy scan and everything looks great. 10 fingers, 10 toes, her heart, brain, and lungs are all clean and developing well. And as you can tell from the use of pronouns, we found out that it's a little GIRL! :) We are so excited! It has been very hard to not spend a fortune on all those adorable little girl clothes! Heather goes back to the doctor again Wednesday but we won't have another sonogram until September at 26 weeks. But here are some pictures of our girl at 18 weeks.

16 weeks

21 weeks
In other news, Derek received a promotion at work and is now working on a new project. He is very excited and is going to be working better hours, finally! No more coming home at 9:30pm. This will make things a lot easier once the baby comes, since Heather's classes are in the evenings.
We will try to keep you posted as best as we can. :) Before you know it, December will be here! CRAZY!