I briefly mentioned going to Saratoga. My father was honored as the Athletic Director of the Year by the NY State Athletic Directors Association. My whole family (minus Derek, who had to work :( ) went up to Saratoga to be there for the banquet and support my father. It was a wonderful ceremony and I am so proud. I truly am a "daddy's little girl" and am proud to say that he is my hero. I only hope that someday I will be like him.
While I've been crazy with school work, Derek has been crazy learning this new position at Dunkin Donuts. He's not really sure if he likes it, but the pay and hours are good, so he's trying to stick it out. Hopefully the application process for graduate schools will go smoothly and we will hear back soon. I know that he would really love to return to work in his own field! If you think of it, we would appreciate your prayers over this process!
Our little "girl", Lucy, is turning 4 months old in just a couple days! It's so hard to believe. She is getting so big! She is full of energy and keeps us very busy (if we weren't busy enough already). :) Here is a picture of us on my birthday.

Aren't we cute? Here's another adorable one of Lucy that I couldn't resist posting.